Yoga and Meditation

Whole-being Wellness offers a variety of Yoga practices that can be adapted to each person as an individual. I guide my clients through the practice of traditional Hatha yoga. Under the umbrella of Hatha yoga I teach various styles of yoga such as: slow, gentle, yin, restorative , athlete, nervous system regulation, senior, chair, classical Himalayan Kundalini Yoga and Yoga Nidra. All of these forms of Yoga contain meditation, breathing exercises and pranayama, affirmations, relaxation, yoga asana or poses, somatic embodiment, yogic philosophy, and inner inquiry. My yoga classes and sessions are trauma informed and can be adapted to all body types.

Having navigated through my own spinal condition, trauma recovery, and long term severe illness from rare disorders, I have great understanding for the importance of listening to the body. I believe that Yoga is a beautiful conversation with the body and soul. As with all conversations it is important that we listen and take time to digest information. In my yoga classes I give plenty of time to transition to the next pose and offer ample time in the pose so the client can find the variation of the pose that suits them best and then experience the benefits of that pose. This is where the magic happens!